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19 results from year 2007 found in the database (105 images)

Business model (Easy Living UK October 2007)
Credits: Ian Welters

Easy Living (UK-2007) Easy Living (UK-2007) Easy Living (UK-2007) Easy Living (UK-2007) 

Devil's in the detail (Spectrum Scotland September 2007)

Spectrum (Scotland-2007) Spectrum (Scotland-2007) Spectrum (Scotland-2007) Spectrum (Scotland-2007) 

Easy going met gebruiksaanwijzing (Avant garde The Netherlands January 2007)
Credits: Allard Honigh

Avant garde (The Netherlands-2007) Avant garde (The Netherlands-2007) Avant garde (The Netherlands-2007) Avant garde (The Netherlands-2007) Avant garde (The Netherlands-2007) 

Guest contributor (Marie-Claire UK August 2007)

Marie-Claire (UK-2007) 

Head girl (You UK September 2007)
Credits: Steen Sundland

You (UK-2007) You (UK-2007) You (UK-2007) You (UK-2007) 

Helena (Paper Greece November 2007)

Paper (Greece-2007) Paper (Greece-2007) 

Helena (Paraleli Bulgaria November 2007)

Paraleli (Bulgaria-2007) Paraleli (Bulgaria-2007) Paraleli (Bulgaria-2007) Paraleli (Bulgaria-2007) 

Helena (Vogue Germany April 2007)
Credits: Maciek Kobelski

Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) Vogue (Germany-2007) 

Helena blickt nach vorn (Myself Germany August 2007)
Credits: Chloe Mallett

Myself (Germany-2007) Myself (Germany-2007) Myself (Germany-2007) Myself (Germany-2007) Myself (Germany-2007) Myself (Germany-2007) 

Helena Christensen (Flaunt USA October 2007)
Credits: James Gooding

Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) Flaunt (USA-2007) 

Helena Christensen (GQ Spain November 2007)
Credits: Michael Williams

GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) GQ (Spain-2007) 

Helena comes clean (You UK August 2007)
Credits: Alexi Lubomirski

You (UK-2007) You (UK-2007) You (UK-2007) You (UK-2007) 

Interview - If I was .. (Sunday Herald Magazine UK July 2007)
Credits: Laurie Fletcher

Sunday Herald Magazine (UK-2007) Sunday Herald Magazine (UK-2007) Sunday Herald Magazine (UK-2007) Sunday Herald Magazine (UK-2007) Sunday Herald Magazine (UK-2007) Sunday Herald Magazine (UK-2007) 

La donna immobile (GQ Italy November 2007)
Credits: Michael Williams

GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) GQ (Italy-2007) 

Model citizen (Scotsman Magazine Scotland July 2007)
Credits: Vincent Peters

Scotsman Magazine (Scotland-2007) Scotsman Magazine (Scotland-2007) Scotsman Magazine (Scotland-2007) Scotsman Magazine (Scotland-2007) 

Model's own (The Times Magazine UK March 2007)
Credits: Chloe Mallett

The Times Magazine (UK-2007) The Times Magazine (UK-2007) The Times Magazine (UK-2007) The Times Magazine (UK-2007) The Times Magazine (UK-2007) 

Secrets of the supermodels (WW UK February 2007)

WW (UK-2007) WW (UK-2007) 

Supermodels... And They Lived Happily Ever after (Vogue Italy March 2007)
Credits: Peter Lindbergh

Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) Vogue (Italy-2007) 

Utmark dansk (Elle Sweden April 2007)

Elle (Sweden-2007) Elle (Sweden-2007) Elle (Sweden-2007) Elle (Sweden-2007) Elle (Sweden-2007)